07 4998 1122
Baralaba Aged Care

Baralaba is located in Central Queensland, 160km south west of Rockhampton and 96km north west of Biloela.
Services in the town include:
Police, Ambulance and Fire Brigade
Hospital and Doctor
FoodWorks Supermarket
Post Office
RACQ and Garage, and Service Stations

After recognising a need in the community for Aged Care Services a public meeting was held in the local hall on the 19th March 1990 and a community based organisation was formed. After endless fundraising, Home and Community Care services commenced on 2nd September 1991 followed by the building of Independent Units which were ready for occupancy in December 1992.
Independent Living Units
Baralaba Aged Care has four independent living units available to eligible seniors.
Eligibility includes:
Being of Pensionable Age
Must have a doctor's certificate stating they are capable of living independently
Must dispose of any residences owned by them after six months
All applicants will be assessed at the discretion of the Management Committee.

Independent Living Units feature:
One Bedroom, One bathroom
Air Conditioning
Cooktop and oven
Covered Garage
Blinds in lounge and bedroom
Built in cupboard in the bedroom
Lockable garage available
Baralaba Aged Care offers a range of activities held at our
Activity Centre.
Everyone is welcome to come and join in.
Activities include:
Exercise Group